KOLLAGEN AMBÚLUR - 9 daga andlitsmeðferð. Mjög einföld og tekur enga stund.
9 stykki (9 ml. hvert stykki). 9 daga andlitsmeðferð.
Í hverjum pakka eru níu ambúlur. Fyrstu tvær eru notaðar á fyrsta og öðrum degi, til þess að hreinsa húðina og losa hana við dauðar húðfrumur og þannig undirbúum við húðina fyrir að taka við sérvöldu innihaldsefnunum í "seruminu" og þeim sjö ambúlum sem eftir eru. Þannig fær húðin tvenns konar árangursríka endurnýjun og örvun alveg niður í dýpstu húðlögin. Efnin í þessum ambúlum eru sterkari og virkari en í stöku vörunum. Árangurinn er sýnilegur strax eftir notkun á og á næstu vikum verður húðin fallegri og heilbrigðari. Samsetning þessarra sérvöldu árangursríku innihaldsefna sýna svo sannarlega góðan árangur eftir notkun.
Strax eftir meðferðina er húðin orðin silkimjúk og endurnærð og stinnleikinn eykst.
Við mælum einnig með Blue Diamond rakakreminu og Blue Diamond kornamaskanum samhliða ambúlunum.
Hvernig á að nota vöruna:
Byrjið á því að þvo og hreinsa húðina af öllum óhreinindum og andlitsfarða. Hristið "ambúluhylkið" áður en þið opnið það. Þegar þið opnið glerhylkið, notið þá litla plasthylkið (ampoule breaker) sem er inni í kassanum.
Dreifið vel úr innihaldinu á húðina á andlitinu með hreinum höndum og nuddið varlega. Notið fyrstu 2 ambúlurnar fyrstu 2 dagana. Þær eru mjólkurgular á litinn. Látið vera á húðinni í fáeinar mínútur en þvoið svo vel af og þerrið húðina með hreinu handklæði. (þá hafið þið hreinsað húðina vel og undirbúið hana undir næstu skref).
Á næstu 7 dögum, berið þið innihald hinna 7 abúla á húðina og nuddið varlega inn í húðina.
Eftir hverja meðferð er gott að bera hreint og gott rakakrem á húðina.
Each BLUE DIAMOND SPECTRUM set contains 9 ampoules: 2 are used for enzymatic peeling preparing the skin for the reception of serum ingredients, and the remaining 7 are intended for proper care. In this way, the skin undergoes two-stage, intensive and highly effective revitalization, regeneration and lifting - from the level of its deep layers and fibroblasts. This is possible thanks to the use of very effective penetration promoters (glycosaminoglycans), also found in the BLUE DIAMOND cream and peeling, which briefly unseal the lipid barrier of the epidermis so that the active ingredients can penetrate deep into the skin. These promoters work in ampoules even more effectively than in peeling and cream, because an aqueous rather than emulsion formulation was used.
The effectiveness of BLUE DIAMOND SPECTRUM ampoules is visible immediately after application, and in the next few weeks the skin becomes prettier and healthier. This is how a rich set of cosmetic celebrities works, including GHK-Cu - a copper tripeptide, with amazingly strong bioactivity, which in ampoules is up to 1000x more than in blood plasma. Together with kinetin - a growth factor and DNA activator - and thymosin B4, which activates adult stem cells - is one of the strongest antioxidants that equals superoxide dismutase and lunasin, which uses the potential of epigenetics. GHK-Cu stimulates the proliferation of skin cells, collagen production, scarring of damage and reconstruction of the skin protein barrier. Lifting properties are provided by hexapeptide 8, while antibacterial lactoferrin.
- Immediately after the procedure: the skin is smooth, perfectly refreshed, moisturized and nourished, as well as nicely taut
- Progressive improvement of insight in the days following the surgery due to transdermal stimulation of skin stem cell biopotential for revitalization and regeneration of this tissue
- Increasing firmness and tension due to stimulated collagen and elastin production
- Smoothing out wrinkles
- Strongly stimulated skin protein production
- Multidirectional peeling and serum in one product
- Obtaining the skin lifting effect without surgical intervention
- Stimulation of the skin's natural regeneration potential and restoring its proper biological balance
- A light, odorless water formula, thanks to which ampoules have many applications and can be applied directly to the skin or used as an enriching additive, e.g. cream
- Supplying bio-ingredients to all skin layers thanks to the use of penetration promoters
Fyrir hverja: - Adults.
- For all skin types.
- For use either directly on the skin or to enrich cosmetics.
- Particularly recommended for the care of the face, neck and décolleté of mature skin that requires immediate revitalization, regeneration and smoothing.
Ingredients: Papain, Subtilisin, GHK-Cu, Lactoferrin, Hexapeptide-8, Lunazine, Kinetin, ThymosinB4, Mexican Echinoptera, BeauPlex VH, COLWAY Fish Collagen; High molecular hyaluronic acid (HMW HA), Skylight extract.
Start by thoroughly washing and cleansing the face skin of makeup and impurities. Shake the ampoule gently before opening. Open using the special ampoule breaker in the package. Spread the contents on the skin with clean hands, making gentle massage movements. For the first two days, use an ampoule with an enzyme peeling (2 pcs in the package - milky yellow color). Leave for a few to several minutes. Wash thoroughly with lukewarm water and gently dry the face with a towel. Apply a care cream.
For the next 7 days, apply the contents of the care ampoules to the skin (7 pieces in the package - bluish color). Apply a care cream.